50% off (same great porduct but old logo)
A perfect massage product. Long lasting lybrication with enough slip for effleurage and enough drap for deep tissue work minimizing the need for re-application.
- Characeristics : this super creamy gel has a luxurous feel throughout the massage afterwards. The client leaves your clinic without feeling oily or sticky.
- Performance : Provides exceptional coverage with unparalleled workability for sports massage and deep tissue work.
- Odourless : No added fragrance, allows you to customize the gel with essential oils as you desire.
- Hypo-allergenic : ideal for both clients and practitioners with sensitive skin.
- Clean up : Myo-Ther Massage Lotion wipes off the skin easily leaving it feeling soft and silky. It is removed completely with soap and water.
- Water dispersible : Minimize staining. Leaves no residue in the sheets (unlike other products with nut and seed oil bases) , helping to prevent the buildup of rencid smells and lengthening the usefull life of sheets and towels.